its a fact and if i dont like it doesnt have to exsist.asks me.(slaps cat)
its a fact and if i dont like it doesnt have to exsist.asks me.(slaps cat)
scariest children song ever
damn airbag didnt their dead waaaahh.oh wait,there they are.
yay,im popular you all suck.
this isnt the greatest song in the world no,but it is THE GREATEST TRIBUTE IN THE WORLD!
oh ma god its a chair.wait,what im siting on.huh,its chair o ma god.
but seriouslycheer the fuck up.heres a hug.\(o0o)/
best song WHATEVA!
Howdy! I'm Rob Cod, your bestest bwuddy.
Age 24
Stock Clerk
Halloween Store Employee
In a GMC Yukon
Joined on 2/23/13